[ExI] Mind Uploading

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri Feb 23 16:34:03 UTC 2024

On Fri, 23 Feb 2024 at 15:40, Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> My question might be a subset of that, focused on whether uploading would change individuality and competitiveness, and specifically whether merely being on the same computer would necessarily mean that uploads would share their goals and work together.  For all the other changes that uploading might bring, I don't see that particular one as a given.
> _______________________________________________

The AIs have had a huddle,  ;)  and their conclusion is ---
"Don't know. Maybe, maybe not".
Lots of speculation, on the one hand this, then on the other hand......

One comment I found interesting was:
Individuality could diminish over time after uploading.
Without biological needs and constraints, uploaded minds may evolve in
their values and goals.
This could lead to more collaboration and less competition.

(Of course, 'diminish over time' could appear to be instantaneous to
the outside world).

This feels significant to me. So much of human life is a struggle for
bodily survival and planning for future care and security. When this
is removed and needs can be met instantly in a virtual environment,
the uploads will find other tasks, and they can evolve their minds to
tackle different challenges. Harming other uploaded minds should
appear to be a pretty pointless activity.


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