[ExI] Early Archives... Re: Yudkowsky 'Humanity's remaining timeline? It looks more like five years than 50'

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sun Feb 25 01:17:57 UTC 2024

-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart LaForge <avant at sollegro.com> 

>>...We had a prominent ExI guy who specifically expressed stern 
> disapprobation on the posting of short comments, suggesting a ban on 
> one liners.

>...LOL. I remember that guy and those days. I actually proofread and revised my emails to the list back then. These days I seldom do. I blame lack of time and social media for the twitterification of my posts. That and Bill W. When he showed up and started writing one line emails and THAT GUY didn't immediately rake him over the coals for it, I realized I too could get away with it. ;)

Stuart LaForge

Stuart, the poster in question had left us shortly before BillW arrived, but it is easy to see how those two events can be conflated in time.  Even before Dr. W came along, I saw some value in very short posts.  We are not being charged postage or anything of that kind.  If one's thought is short and specific on a topic, then one's post should match it.  I see this forum as an ongoing 30 year party, more than analogous to a journal.  Humor is a good thing, methinks, for in good humor is an idea worthy of consideration in some way.  At a party, some of the best and most entertaining comments consist of only a few words.

The success of Twitter might have something to do with the notion of the value of getting right to the point.


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