[ExI] AI girlfriend bots are already flooding OpenAI’s GPT store

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat Jan 13 14:09:40 UTC 2024

We got a bot problem
OpenAI’s store rules are already being broken, illustrating that
regulating GPTs could be hard to control
By Michelle Cheng    11 Jan 2024

It’s day two of the opening of OpenAI’s buzzy GPT store, which offers
customized versions of ChatGPT, and users are already breaking the
rules. The Generative Pre-Trained Transformers (GPTs) are meant to be
created for specific purposes—and not created at all in some cases.

AI chatbots are breaking OpenAI’s usage policy rules

The AI girlfriend bots go against OpenAI’s usage policy, which was
updated when the GPT store launched yesterday (Jan. 10).

The proliferation of these apps comes as the US faces an epidemic of
loneliness and isolation. Alarming studies show that one-in-two
American adults have reported experiencing loneliness, with the US
Surgeon General calling for the need to strengthen social connections.
AI chatbots could be part of the solution if people are isolated from
other human beings—or they could just be a way to cash in on human

Hmmm.  So it seems that the very popular social media platforms don't
stop people feeling lonely. Maybe social media even alienates people
as they generate conflicts to get more clicks and ad income.

I do see a place for chatbots helping the aged and those with various
degrees of Alzheimer's. There are already various small bots being
trialled in care homes.


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