[ExI] robot makes dinner

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 16:50:01 UTC 2024

On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 at 16:35, <spike at rainier66.com> wrote:
> Meh.  Dinner schminner.  And it really doesn't even need to do sex, for many
> of us fortunate enough to have a capable and eager mate (my bride and I are
> a few weeks short of our 40th anniversary.)
> I am thinking of a wisecracking K2SO, so that much of the function is
> entertainment.  In that sense, the early household robots will really be a
> toy.  And sure, I suppose it can be THAT kind of toy, for those who want
> that sorta thing.
> The reason that this is such a dream to me is the money to be made on it,
> and the potential to allow humanity to escape a Malthusian nightmare.  If we
> can design a suitable alternative, many otherwise fertile people will choose
> it rather than reproduce.  And I get rich of course, but hey, I would
> deserve it for saving humanity.
> spike

That post disappeared for about six hours, then suddenly appeared on Exi-chat.
I had reposted it by then.

Anyway, you do realise that your money-making pleasure toy is one of
the possible reasons for species going extinct?
With AGI running everything and humans playing with pleasure toys and
virtual reality, whose job is it to continue the species?


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