[ExI] robot makes dinner

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Wed Jan 17 17:42:43 UTC 2024

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of
BillK via extropy-chat

>>.. Meh.  Dinner schminner...  

>...Anyway, you do realise that your money-making pleasure toy is one of the
possible reasons for species going extinct?...

BillK, on the contrary sir.  Such a thing would not cause the extinction of
the species, any more than birth control pills did.  There will always be
those with a religious notion that it is their sacred duty to breed, or that
it is a sin to pleasure oneself with artificial devices.  

Also note: much of our current western technology has not fully penetrated
the African continent.  There are plenty of humans available there who have
never used a computer and have little risk of failing to breed because of
our K2SO.  That whole notion is a western dissipation.

>...With AGI running everything and humans playing with pleasure toys and
virtual reality, whose job is it to continue the species?  BillK

Do let me reassure you BillK, humanity is in no danger of extinction, none.
Humanity does not suffer habitat contraction.  Ours is the only species to
have mastered habitat expansion, at the expense of every other species.
Humans can live anywhere, after rearranging the local habitat to suit our

The whole question is analogous in a way to uploading.  If uploading is
possible (and I think it is (based on my unsupported faith that the magic
act we call consciousness is not substrate dependent)) and we develop that
technology (and I think we eventually will) then some subset of humanity
will eventually upload.  When or if that happens, biological humanity will
still be here on this planet, and life will go on without us.


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