[ExI] Upload/Download (was: Re: Fwd: Open Individualism)

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 16:57:34 UTC 2024

On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 at 16:19, Jason Resch via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Also, consider that if we upload ourselves to computing substrates that run our minds a million times faster, then the "real world" becomes incredibly slow. It would take subjective weeks for each click tick of each second in the real world. They really does isolate the worlds. Even the speed of light is slowed to something like a jetliners, so sending an text message to the other side of the world is something that takes hours to arrive.
> To me this suggests the future will be not only vastly miniaturized but also localized. We will create many copies (for redundancy) of large collections of individuals (perhaps all of humanity) in localized clusters for speed of access and interface.
> There would be no way any human could maintain such machines, as they would operate on atomic or subatomic scales, and their million+ fold time speed difference makes the physical world a static alien thing. You could run around in the rain at normal speed in the real world with a robot body for a few minutes, but it will cost you years of subjective time, all your family and friends will go years without seeing or hearing from you while you dance in the rain. But you could have had the exact same experience in virtual reality running at the same speed as everyone else in the uploaded state.
> Jason
> _______________________________________________

I think this speed comparison is not sufficiently appreciated.
The speed-up of uploaded civilisations will effectively 'freeze' the
outside world.
I see this as one possible explanation of why the galaxy is not
swarming with tourist aliens.
Travel simply means losing too much uploaded life time in their civilisation.

Of course, there are ways round this in theory. Send robots off exploring, etc.
But they would have to wait millions of their years to get information
returned, so why bother?


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