[ExI] electric vehicles again

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sun Jan 28 16:05:34 UTC 2024



This kind of stuff is presented in the mainstream press as a joke, but it
doesn't need to be.


An IC-assisted electric vehicle makes perfect sense in some climates:



The all-electrics have been getting bad press in the recent USA cold snap.
But what if. you really designed a vehicle from a white sheet of paper, with
an easily-removable small internal combustion engine, which comes into play
only in bad cold snaps and cross country trips?  The heat from the IC would
heat the batteries so they continue to have full range, and they could even
share the electric drive load.  We could design a cross-country-worthy
vehicle which could eliminate range anxiety and cold anxiety but be easily
removed when not needed, so the vehicle still has all the advantages of an
all-electric ride for three quarters of the year and 90% of the trips.




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