[ExI] electric vehicles again

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sun Jan 28 20:46:33 UTC 2024






…> On Behalf Of Henry Rivera via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] electric vehicles again


>…You not seeing the chargers really means nothing. I just plotted the route in my EV from Florida to California. There are sufficient chargers.


Henry, I don’t doubt they exist.  I only doubt the practicality of charging on a long road trip.  Charging is still too slow and the stations are far enough apart they require planning.  A good road trip is one in which one puts the shifter in overdrive the brain in park.


On the other hand, think of the engineering tradeoffs in terms of the benefits of having a removable IC.  The Tesla has good range, but to get that good range, it must be a very heavy car, with lots of expensive batteries.  A car with a removable IC would be designed as a local runner where distances are short.  About 80 miles of charge would be plenty.


With that, the design saves a loooootta weight, a lotta passenger room and a lotta cost.  It saves on tire wear, it charges faster in limited-current situations such as at home.  A third the range means it can charge in perhaps half the time, and may be sufficiently charged using only the normal power you might already have wired into your house for running the electric dryer.  


Batteries are a weight driver and cost driver in EVs.  So… removable IC, way fewer batteries, less range but more room inside, improved tire life, lower cost, faster charge potential, better handling, etc.  All that for the price of dramatically reduced range, which I can live with because I don’t drive much.  But I do cross country dashes once in a while, and I need a car capable of that.


Removable IC hybrids feel to me like an underexplored engineering space.


Henry from the number of stations you plotted, I can tell you must have a Tesla.  Thanks!  Every Tesla that is sold benefits me personally, since I own a home within easy bicycle distance from the plant.



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