[ExI] electric vehicles again

F. C. Moulton moulton at moulton.com
Mon Jan 29 20:03:02 UTC 2024

On 1/28/24 12:03, spike jones via extropy-chat wrote:
> I heard Hertz is ditching their EVs.  I was thinking of trying to score one, cheap, while the supply is high and the demand temporarily low (because so many potential Tesla customers are angry with Musk over TwitterX.)
According to the news reports I have read Hertz is not ditching all of 
their EV inventory rather they are adjusting to customer demand just as 
they adjust inventory for SUV versus economy size etc. Basically they 
over estimated demand for EVs. Since I now live in Arizona I will note 
that in the Phoenix area the demand for the Tesla models that Hertz is 
selling was high when I made my purchase. I purchased a basic 2023 Tesla 
Model 3. I did my paperwork for the purchase on Thursday and it took a 
bit longer than I expected because the person in charge of paperwork had 
multiple purchases happening at the same time. So there is at least one 
data point that shows the demand is not low at least at one location at 
one point in time. From the conversation I had with the sales they are 
having some people purchase the vehicle over the phone without seeing 
it. This does not mean that demand is at this level in all locations 
however it might suggest that more detailed information is needed
F. C. Moulton
moulton at moulton.com

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