[ExI] Fwd: Funny If Tom Clancy was writing the timeline ...

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Thu Jul 4 18:51:07 UTC 2024

This is not politics but humor.  Keith


Chuck McManis <chuck.mcmanis at gmail.com> wrote:

SCENE: Oval Office, the Whitehouse. Six justices are ushered in.

BIDEN: I'm sure you are wondering why I invited you here today.

JUSTICE THOMAS: Invited?! I was getting on a jet for Barbados
                               before your thugs told me I had to be here.

BIDEN: Oh yeah, sorry about that. Well to get on with it. This is an
            Executive Order that I have signed which notes that my
            Title 2 Constitutional Powers include defending the Constitution
            from all threats, foreign ... and domestic.

[Justices look back and forth at each other quizzically]

BIDEN: In your recent opinion on Trump v. United States, you described
            a President, killing a US Citizen, to protect the United States was
            a protected official action.

            I have here, two documents. The first orders the CIA to
take each of you to an undisclosed location and to eliminate you. The
second is the paperwork to effect your resignation, effective
immediately, from
the Supreme Court.

            Today ... is your last day as a Supreme Court Justice. You
get to choose how that goes. You can resign, or you can die. I am okay
with either choice but I understand that your families might not be.

             If you sign the resignation, I will accept it and youwill
be free to go. If you choose not to sign it, the Secret Service here
will escort you to Joint  Base Andrews where a jet is currently on

             If people ask why you chose to resign today, I suggest
you stick with

             "I have received credible death threats." Any attempt to
make a "big deal" about this will be seen as a threat to our Constitution
and our Democracy.

             We have already discussed how I intend to deal with those threats.
              Okay, that is what I had to say, who wants to sign and
who wants to take a trip with the CIA?

[All Justices speaking at once, claims of "this is an outrage!" and
"you can't get away
 with this!" ]

BIDEN: [holding up his hand to silence the discussion] This is the
power that YOU gave me and that I am going to take away from any
FUTURE President. The Whitehouse Counsel here can show you a brief of
how this would be argued if charges were ever filed. We expect that to
be unlikely. We have also prepared a Pardon for myself for all Federal
Crimes I may have committed not covered by Trump v. United States.
Thanks to you, you can't do anything about it.

            So what's it gonna be? Retirement Service or Memorial service?

[Fade to black]

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