[ExI] Fwd: Funny If Tom Clancy was writing the timeline ...

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Thu Jul 4 18:59:47 UTC 2024

This is not the first forum I have seen pretty much this in since the
decision became public, and in the majority of them, the suggestion has
been serious.

On Thu, Jul 4, 2024, 2:53 PM Keith Henson via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> This is not politics but humor.  Keith
> --------
> Chuck McManis <chuck.mcmanis at gmail.com> wrote:
> SCENE: Oval Office, the Whitehouse. Six justices are ushered in.
> BIDEN: I'm sure you are wondering why I invited you here today.
> JUSTICE THOMAS: Invited?! I was getting on a jet for Barbados
>                                before your thugs told me I had to be here.
> BIDEN: Oh yeah, sorry about that. Well to get on with it. This is an
>             Executive Order that I have signed which notes that my
>             Title 2 Constitutional Powers include defending the
> Constitution
>             from all threats, foreign ... and domestic.
> [Justices look back and forth at each other quizzically]
> BIDEN: In your recent opinion on Trump v. United States, you described
>             a President, killing a US Citizen, to protect the United
> States was
>             a protected official action.
>             I have here, two documents. The first orders the CIA to
> take each of you to an undisclosed location and to eliminate you. The
> second is the paperwork to effect your resignation, effective
> immediately, from
> the Supreme Court.
>             Today ... is your last day as a Supreme Court Justice. You
> get to choose how that goes. You can resign, or you can die. I am okay
> with either choice but I understand that your families might not be.
>              If you sign the resignation, I will accept it and youwill
> be free to go. If you choose not to sign it, the Secret Service here
> will escort you to Joint  Base Andrews where a jet is currently on
> standby.
>              If people ask why you chose to resign today, I suggest
> you stick with
>              "I have received credible death threats." Any attempt to
> make a "big deal" about this will be seen as a threat to our Constitution
> and our Democracy.
>              We have already discussed how I intend to deal with those
> threats.
>               Okay, that is what I had to say, who wants to sign and
> who wants to take a trip with the CIA?
> [All Justices speaking at once, claims of "this is an outrage!" and
> "you can't get away
>  with this!" ]
> BIDEN: [holding up his hand to silence the discussion] This is the
> power that YOU gave me and that I am going to take away from any
> FUTURE President. The Whitehouse Counsel here can show you a brief of
> how this would be argued if charges were ever filed. We expect that to
> be unlikely. We have also prepared a Pardon for myself for all Federal
> Crimes I may have committed not covered by Trump v. United States.
> Thanks to you, you can't do anything about it.
>             So what's it gonna be? Retirement Service or Memorial service?
> [Fade to black]
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