[ExI] Maybe space exploration will be a task for AI humanoids

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Sun Jul 7 11:56:03 UTC 2024

On Sun, Jul 7, 2024 at 3:46 AM Kelly Anderson via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 6:06 AM Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat
> <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> >
> > The "political" issue is that this approach would only benefit entities
> that we specifically breed for this venture.
> >
> > 1) Those entities are not us.  We ourselves do not directly benefit.
> The apparent means of making sure we do benefit amount to slavery.
> Just a thought... I wonder if the idea of actual freedom would appeal
> to enough people to go into space.

This has been tried and failed, to the point that "no true X" keeps being
offered as an excuse for believing why it might still work.

"Actual freedom" gets tourists - be it in space or on the ground - who
generally linger until they miss the services that prefer to operate in
more legislated environments.  It does not create viable economies: note
the economic fate of every single attempt to create an "actually free"
settlement on Earth.  There is no reason to believe that a low-government
colony in space - which would require stronger governance, to clamp down on
the kind of mischief that could get everyone dead real quick (trash not
getting picked up and thus bears getting into the trash, is not the same as
air leaks being someone else's problem and thus the station runs out of
air) - would fare any better.

> As imperfect historical precedent, I propose the founding of white
> Australia as perhaps being somewhat along these lines... though only
> for prisoners.

A literal prison colony was not "actual freedom".
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