[ExI] Thermal nuclear rocketry

Stuart LaForge avant at sollegro.com
Tue Jul 23 18:15:56 UTC 2024

On 2024-07-22 16:18, Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat wrote:

> The DOE is in the process of funding a study, with me as principal
> investigator, to modernize its MITEE engine design - originally for
> in-space use - in light of recent technical and regulator
> developments, including but not limited to:
> What has been funded for now is just a 6 month Phase I STTR to prove
> both the technical and regulatory feasibility of the project.  Of
> course, the real objective is to present a viable design, including
> schedule and budget to make a prototype.

Congratulation, Adrian. This is quite the accomplishment. I tried 
applying for SBIR grants a couple of time for my airship-based flying 
solar power power plants, and never heard back from them. I also (very) 
briefly researched a nuclear rocket design. I will send you what amounts 
to a brief description of my design from an unfinished white paper of 
mine offlist.

Stuart LaForge

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