[ExI] The Singularity is Nearer

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Mon Jul 29 10:41:38 UTC 2024

Finished reading "The Singularity is Nearer" by Kurzweil. I have to say I
liked it more than the first one ("The Singularity is Near"). Sure, K.
remains part of American *and* politically-correct transhumanism, but at
least, unlike Bostrom or, worse, Harari, he is and remains a transhumanist
in every respect. Additionally, like me, he is decidedly conventionalist
and functionalist regarding identity, intelligence, ethics, consciousness,
survival, etc., posthumanist, and anti-prohibitionist in terms of
technology, etc. Furthermore, while the second book is largely based on the
usual "predictions" made through extrapolations of real or presumed trends
and reiterates and confirms the author's well-known ideas, it seems to
significantly moderate the providentialism of the first and the literally
eschatological view of the Singularity proposed therein. Then again, hey,
he's a Google employee; you can't expect him to be also a cyberpunk hero or
a revolutionary gem. ��

Stefano Vaj
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