[ExI] The Singularity is Nearer

efc at disroot.org efc at disroot.org
Tue Jul 30 09:20:26 UTC 2024

On Mon, 29 Jul 2024, Stefano Vaj via extropy-chat wrote:

> Finished reading "The Singularity is Nearer" by Kurzweil. I have to say I liked it more than the first one ("The Singularity is
> Near"). Sure, K. remains part of American and politically-correct transhumanism, but at least, unlike Bostrom or, worse, Harari, he
> is and remains a transhumanist in every respect. Additionally, like me, he is decidedly conventionalist and functionalist regarding
> identity, intelligence, ethics, consciousness, survival, etc., posthumanist, and anti-prohibitionist in terms of technology, etc.
> Furthermore, while the second book is largely based on the usual "predictions" made through extrapolations of real or presumed trends
> and reiterates and confirms the author's well-known ideas, it seems to significantly moderate the providentialism of the first and
> the literally eschatological view of the Singularity proposed therein. Then again, hey, he's a Google employee; you can't expect him
> to be also a cyberpunk hero or a revolutionary gem. ��  
> --
> Stefano Vaj

What about Bostrom and Harari?

Could you elaborate a bit on those two?

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