[ExI] From the baby boom to the baby bust

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Mon Jun 3 09:24:35 UTC 2024

On Sun, 2 Jun 2024, BillK via extropy-chat wrote:

> Even the economists are getting worried about falling birth rates.
> BillK

I think the system will auto-correct. I don't remember where I read it,
but I think I read somewhere that someone predicted the planet will
reach an equilibrium of around 12 billion people.

The way out of it is of course increase automation, ai and robots in the
long term, immigration in the short term, and restructuring the way we
think about social security in the mid-term.

With falling numbers, the pyramid scheme of social security will crash,
and there is a limit to how high taxes you can have before society

What I find very interesting, is why fertility rates are falling. Is is
medical, cultural or both? Probably both, and if so, what's the medical

Best regards, 

> From the baby boom to the baby bust
> Falling fertility rates are one of the biggest challenges facing our world
> Martin Wolf     May 28, 2024
> <https://www.ft.com/content/ab4ce770-18cf-4025-8714-186f16a4f145>
> Quote:
> People live longer than ever before. This, as I noted recently, has
> created both opportunities and challenges. But postponing death is
> only a part of the demographic story. The other is the decline in
> births. The combination of the two is creating huge changes in the
> world we inhabit.
> ---------------------
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