[ExI] AI can create songs and write essays - Really?

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Mon Jun 3 13:48:03 UTC 2024

...> On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat
Sent: Monday, 3 June, 2024 2:45 AM

>... I used to play competitive chess...

Cool I am surprised you didn't mention it before.  

I am living a life of deep regret BillK.  The vague estimate is that one
loses about a 100 Elo for each decade of life after age 30.  I am in my 60s
and my current Chess.com rating is 1913.  If I hadn't been distracted by
trivialities such as "family" and "career" an "adult responsibilities" and
other nonsense, if I had focused on my game, I coulda made at MASTER!  I
never made it there, damn.  Lee Corbin did however.

>...Then all computers gained the ability to not only play better than me,
but would happily explain in detail why my play was so pitifully weak and
demonstrate all the errors I made...

In some ways, I prefer to play computers.  They are more consistent, and
they compose some very cool strategies.

>...The future will be very different.


Ja, no doubt.  The right now is very different from the world of my
tragically squandered youth.  I am having fun in the now however, and had
fun then, so I predict I will have fun in the future too.


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