[ExI] AI can create songs and write essays - Really?

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Mon Jun 3 12:13:55 UTC 2024

On Mon, 3 Jun 2024, BillK via extropy-chat wrote:

>> Problem solved! I have a dish washer and a laundry machine. Takes me very
>> little time.
>> Nothing. I do my hobbies because they are fun, not because I demand
>> perfection or because there are humans on this planet who are better than
>> I am at my hobbies.
>> So from a purely hobbyist perspective, I couldn't care less. =)
>> Best regards, Daniel
>> --------------------------------------------
> I think you might be an optimist.  :)

Guilty as charged! At least when it comes to some things, so a kind
of "fluctuating optimist" perhaps. ;)

> You will have to be a very determined hobbyist.
> I used to play competitive chess. Then all computers gained the
> ability to not only play better than me, but would happily explain in
> detail why my play was so pitifully weak and demonstrate all the
> errors I made. So I was converted to an admiring spectator.
> I expect the same will apply to many hobbies. Authors already use AI
> to correct and suggest improvements to their essays. AI can now
> write stories when given just a few plot and character hints.
> The future will be very different.

Interesting! I do play chess as well from time to time, but in my case,
I only play against humans. The computer is only for training or
preparation. On top of that, I do enjoy the history and legends, and the
fact that you can dig deeper and deeper and you never reach the "bottom"
of chess.

But I should add to that, that my chess playing comes and goes in cycles
and depends heavily on if I find someone who is interested and at a
somewhat similar level.

> BillK
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