[ExI] Geoengineering termination shock from SO2 reduction in shipping fuel

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 09:35:31 UTC 2024

On Fri, 31 May 2024 at 01:00, BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:
> It appears to be the Law of Unintended Consequences strikes again.
> Yes, it is good to reduce atmosphere pollution, but clearer air
> increases climate warming.
> This applies to all atmosphere pollution, not just marine diesel.
> BillK

There is now a realisation among climate scientists that cleaning up
the smog in the atmosphere drives global warming. Unfortunately, they
don't have any option here. Not cleaning up atmosphere pollution from
fossil fuels would cause too many deaths.

Published at the Yale School of the Environment


Pollution Paradox: How Cleaning Up Smog Drives Ocean Warming
New research indicates that the decline in smog particles from China’s
air cleanups caused the recent extreme heat waves in the Pacific.
Scientists are grappling with the fact that reducing such pollution,
while essential for public health, is also heating the atmosphere.
By Fred Pearce • May 28, 2024

The idea that cleaning up air pollution can worsen atmospheric warming
sounds counterintuitive.
Yangyang Xu, an atmospheric scientist at Texas A&M University not
involved in the study, said it shows that “aerosol reductions will
perturb the climate system in ways we have not experienced before.
It will give us surprises.”

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