[ExI] The JWST is Re-Writing Astronomy Textbooks

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 20:54:49 UTC 2024

The JWST is Re-Writing Astronomy Textbooks
Posted on June 5, 2024
by Evan Gough <https://www.universetoday.com/author/evan-gough/>

When the James Webb Space Telescope was launched at the end of 2021, we
expected stunning images and illuminating scientific results. So far, the
powerful space telescope has lived up to our expectations. The JWST has
shown us things about the early Universe we never anticipated.

Some of those results are forcing a rewrite of astronomy textbooks.



The Early Universe is one of the JWST’s primary scientific targets. Its
infrared capabilities allow it to see the light from ancient galaxies with
greater acuity than any other telescope. The telescope was designed to
directly address confounding questions about the high-redshift Universe.

The following three broad questions are foundational issues in cosmology
that the JWST is addressing.
What are the Physical Properties of the Earliest Galaxies?
What is the Nature of Active Galactic Nuclei in Early Galaxies?
When and How Did the Early Universe Become Ionized?
The JWST is not even halfway through its mission and has already
transformed our understanding of the Universe’s first one billion years. It
was built to address questions around the Epoch of Reionization, the first
black holes, and the first galaxies and stars. There’s definitely much more
to come. Who knows what the sum total of its contributions will be?

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