[ExI] postage due

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sun Jun 9 03:21:42 UTC 2024


Funny: I sent eight graduation cards, the size appropriate to include US
currency.  I put a crisp fifty in each and mailed all eight.  Today four of
them came back postage due.  Four of the eight identical cards.


I have a milligram scale at home, so I weighed them.  14 grams, about half
an ounce.  A forever stamp carries up to 1 ounce anywhere in the USA.  These
were all half an ounce and half of them came back stamped postage due.


OK then.  I put a second forever stamp on there and dropped them back into
the post box.


Final funny: exactly one of the four had written on it: Amount Due:   $4.22




It would be one weird thing if a machine had somehow screwed up, but it was
handwritten on the card envelope: $4.22


Please if anyone here is into hard drugs, don't go to work at the post
office.  We already have one too many of those working there.



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