[ExI] trust the fake science?

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 13:17:12 UTC 2024

On Tue, Jun 11, 2024, 8:41 AM efc--- via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Well, the ones who didn't reply, keep drilling! =)

There's only so much time and energy I can put into an effort that is
getting literally zero results.  And now I may have a path to actually
getting some value from my idea.

I wonder if you could
> put together a proposal for several companies to sponsor in return, of
> course, for potential rights to use the results on an exclusive basis?

If I can't even get one company interested, I rather doubt I could get

But if you want to look into setting up a company along these lines, I'll
make you this offer.

Spend some weeks or months researching this field further.  Maybe talk to
that company in Stockholm (I don't know if you can literally just swing by
their office, call and make an appointment, or how that works).  For my
idea for now, do the math as if it just removed the expense of helium from
the equation, with no consideration of what other costs or benefits it
would bring.  (I believe this will be close enough to the truth, for
purposes of determining whether you could outcompete the existing solutions
or find another way to profit from this.)

If, after that, you have a viable enough business notion that you form a
company, I would be willing to sign a NDA with that company to facilitate
disclosing how my trick works.  If, after evaluating, you wish to use it,
we can then discuss licensing.

I can't guarantee exclusive licensing.  After all, if my PhD plan works, it
would be published for all (or at least, those who notice) to see in about
4 years.  But since I can't get anyone else interested anyway, and let's
say it takes you 1 year to get this going, that's 3 years of de facto
exclusivity - possubly enough time to establish market dominance.

I believe that's the best I can offer, given my situation.  But if you want
to put in the work, and you have a good enough application for this* and
can raise the capital, I would not mind helping you get rich this way.

* I had been thinking more along the lines of cargo airships delivering
to/from remote areas with poor infrastructure, or long-duration drones that
can stay on station much longer than helium airship drones (like a cell
tower in the sky, or something with most of the benefits of a GEO satellite
but much closer and lower cost, for lower latency and higher resolution
observation in exchange for a smaller footprint).

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