[ExI] trust the fake science?

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 14:08:10 UTC 2024

Read chapter 24 in Kahnemen's book 'Thinking Fast and Slow'.

Remember 'unknown unknowns'.
Do a premortem:  one year after your company went active it failed.
Discuss reasons why it did.  bill w

On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 8:19 AM Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 11, 2024, 8:41 AM efc--- via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> Well, the ones who didn't reply, keep drilling! =)
> There's only so much time and energy I can put into an effort that is
> getting literally zero results.  And now I may have a path to actually
> getting some value from my idea.
> I wonder if you could
>> put together a proposal for several companies to sponsor in return, of
>> course, for potential rights to use the results on an exclusive basis?
> If I can't even get one company interested, I rather doubt I could get
> multiple.
> But if you want to look into setting up a company along these lines, I'll
> make you this offer.
> Spend some weeks or months researching this field further.  Maybe talk to
> that company in Stockholm (I don't know if you can literally just swing by
> their office, call and make an appointment, or how that works).  For my
> idea for now, do the math as if it just removed the expense of helium from
> the equation, with no consideration of what other costs or benefits it
> would bring.  (I believe this will be close enough to the truth, for
> purposes of determining whether you could outcompete the existing solutions
> or find another way to profit from this.)
> If, after that, you have a viable enough business notion that you form a
> company, I would be willing to sign a NDA with that company to facilitate
> disclosing how my trick works.  If, after evaluating, you wish to use it,
> we can then discuss licensing.
> I can't guarantee exclusive licensing.  After all, if my PhD plan works,
> it would be published for all (or at least, those who notice) to see in
> about 4 years.  But since I can't get anyone else interested anyway, and
> let's say it takes you 1 year to get this going, that's 3 years of de facto
> exclusivity - possubly enough time to establish market dominance.
> I believe that's the best I can offer, given my situation.  But if you
> want to put in the work, and you have a good enough application for this*
> and can raise the capital, I would not mind helping you get rich this way.
> * I had been thinking more along the lines of cargo airships delivering
> to/from remote areas with poor infrastructure, or long-duration drones that
> can stay on station much longer than helium airship drones (like a cell
> tower in the sky, or something with most of the benefits of a GEO satellite
> but much closer and lower cost, for lower latency and higher resolution
> observation in exchange for a smaller footprint).
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