[ExI] protecting children

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 22 11:41:56 UTC 2024

Cass Sunstein is a co-author of a book with Kahneman (who recently died age
90) called Noise - for my money a much more important book than Thinking
Fast and Slow (which is highly important but more of a theoretical book)
for practical purposes.  Error is divided into bias and noise (statistical
noise - unwanted variation).  Much attention is paid to bias but little to
noise.  This book could be a bible for strongly reducing it if applied in
the corporate world.  More strongly recommended than any book I have ever
touted.  Essential if you run a company.

bill w

On Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 8:48 PM Dan TheBookMan via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Would a ‘devil’s dictionary’ definition of addiction be ‘repetitive
> behavior you do not approve of’? And good habits would then be defined as
> ‘repetitive behavior you do approve of’? (Using ‘you’ rhetorically, of
> course.)
> Also, wouldn’t Cass Sunstein fans be all in favor of nudging kids away
> from this stuff? (I’m not a Cass Sunstein fan, but recall one person here
> going ga ga over him a few years ago.;)
> Regards,
> Dan
> On Jun 21, 2024, at 6:11 AM, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> What I meant by an addictive thing on the media site was just something
> that kept people on the site - not necessarily reading.  bill w
> On Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 7:33 AM SR Ballard via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> It’s wrong to say that an addictive algorithm “keeps kids reading”,
>> brcause the content they prefer is short form video.
>> Heavy introduction to video, especially short form, before learning to
>> read, dramatically reduces interest in reading, especially long form
>> content like books.
>> SR Ballard
>> On Jun 20, 2024, at 4:34 PM, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <
>> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> Check on the story about the NY governor signing legislation to protect
>> children on media sites.
>> “the most dangerous aspects of social media, the addictive algorithm
>> feeds that exploit impressionable minds.”  NY Attorney General
>> Is this saying that adults don't have impressionable minds?
>> A marketing person would say that what is called 'addictive' means that
>> it encourages the user to keep reading, for one thing.  And that would be a
>> good feature of the software.  Calling it 'addictive' is misleading at
>> best.  Making the site attractive is what the site wants.  Who knows what
>> will result in addiction (if there is such a thing).  How is that different
>> from liking it a lot?
>> I am all for requiring parents to OK downloads and for privacy issues -
>> of course.
>> Go back in time 50 years.  Tell a grocer to put a cart at the end of an
>> aisle, put products into it along with the usual price.  People will think
>> it's on sale.  Is this ethical?  Can't we use psychology?
>> bill w
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