[ExI] Ray Kurzweil explains how AI makes radical life extension possible

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri Jun 28 09:54:24 UTC 2024

On Thu, 27 Jun 2024 at 08:13, efc--- via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> But the hallucinations as I understand it, are due to the method used
> (LLM:s). Use a different method, and hallucination might disappear. But as
> long as you use the method where they result spontaneously it does seem a
> bit suboptimal to me to try and "fix" it afterwards.

Yes. I have been chatting to a couple of AIs about how to solve the
hallucination problem.
>From their replies, I realised that I was really asking them how to
create a better AI.
They were describing AI improvements that would mean creating the next
generation of AIs.
So AI is a work in progress and the next version will be better!  :)


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