[ExI] interesting take on nuclear power

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Sat Mar 9 15:57:17 UTC 2024

On Fri, Mar 8, 2024, 11:51 PM Keith Henson via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> I admit to being lazy on this topic and follow Ray Kurzweil.  Until
> the LLM came out, Ray was expecting the Singularity to hit in the
> mid-2040s.
> After the LLMs came out, Ray cut his estimate to 2030. Eliezer
> Yudkowsky has expressed that the human era is about over, perhaps 5
> years.
> Ray and Eliezer may be wrong, but they have put far more effort into
> understanding the issue than I have.

Eliezer is wrong.  Ray's new prediction is probably wrong.  I don't have
good enough data to predict beyond 2040 at this time.

I say this despite having designs for full self-replicating 3D printers
that could extend into make-near-anything machines without needing to wait
for further development of molecular nanotech, with obvious (most likely
beneficial in practice, given the details) implications should a
Singularity-grade seed AI get control, and a possible way to set up
prototypes.  (If anyone would be interested in helping do the work to bring
these printers about, contact me offlist.)

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