[ExI] Mind Upload problems

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 12:33:11 UTC 2024

Uploaded minds run many times faster than real-world human minds. It will
be impossible to upload everyone at once. This means that early uploads
will have evolved into very different intelligences by the time that later
uploads arrive into their world.
It also emphasises that the first uploads should not have any 'faults' in
their mentality, as results could be very unpredictable.
This leads to very serious problems, as Claude realised when I asked him.


First I asked - Uploaded minds evolve many times faster. How will later
uploads cope with the more advanced uploads?

Claude -
The scenario you raise highlights one of the major potential challenges and
risks associated with the hypothetical technology of mind uploading - the
possibility of vastly different rates of advancement and evolution between
uploaded minds, leading to significant disparities and challenges for later
uploads trying to integrate into a world dominated by more advanced
uploaded minds.

If uploaded minds can evolve and improve themselves at a much faster rate
than biological human minds, then early uploads would have a significant
head start. They may quickly advance to levels of intelligence and
capability far beyond those of later uploads who start out at a level
closer to an unmodified human mind.

This could create a number of difficulties for later uploads:

1. Technological and knowledge gaps: Later uploads may find themselves
struggling to catch up with the advanced knowledge, skills, and
technologies developed by earlier uploads. They may face a steep learning
curve and feel constantly behind.

2. Power imbalances: Earlier uploads may wield significantly more power and
influence due to their advanced capabilities. This could create power
imbalances and inequalities between different "generations" of uploads.

3. Difficulty relating and integrating: The experiences, perspectives, and
even values of highly advanced uploads may be quite foreign and difficult
to relate to for later uploads. This could create barriers to social
integration and understanding.

4. Existential and psychological challenges: Facing a world dominated by
superintelligent uploads, later uploads may grapple with feelings of
inferiority, alienation, and uncertainty about their place and purpose. It
could be highly psychologically challenging.

5. Dependence and control: If earlier uploads control the key systems and
infrastructures of the world, later uploads may find themselves dependent
on and potentially controlled by the earlier uploads, with limited autonomy.

To cope with these challenges, later uploads would likely need significant
support and resources to help them adapt and integrate. This could include
access to accelerated learning tools, mentorship from earlier uploads,
protected spaces to develop and grow at their own pace, and efforts to
ensure their rights and autonomy are respected.

However, the gulf between early and later uploads may simply be too vast to
fully bridge. We may see a fundamental divergence of uploaded minds into
different strata based on their time of uploading. Careful governance and
efforts to uphold principles of equality would be essential to mitigate
some of the worst potential disparities and abuses.

These are complex sociological and philosophical issues that would need to
be grappled with carefully. The specific outcomes would depend on how the
technology is developed and deployed. But in general, the vastly different
rates of advancement possible for digital minds is one of the major reasons
why mind uploading would be so transformative and raise profound challenges
for society to navigate. Extensive foresight, planning, and ethical
safeguards would be needed to try to achieve positive outcomes.

Then I followed up with - What happens if the first uploads have mental
problems? Can this be avoided?

Claude -
If the first uploads have mental problems, it could lead to serious
negative consequences and risks, especially given the potential for
uploaded minds to evolve and become more advanced at a rapid pace. Some
potential issues include:

1. Amplification of mental issues: Mental health problems present in the
original biological mind, such as depression, anxiety, or personality
disorders, could be amplified in the uploaded state. Without the
constraints of biology, these issues might manifest in more extreme and
unpredictable ways.

2. Propagation of problematic traits: If early uploads with mental problems
are able to evolve and create copies or variations of themselves, they
might spread their problematic traits more widely. This could lead to a
proliferation of uploaded minds with serious mental health challenges.

3. Unintended consequences: The actions and decisions of uploaded minds
with mental problems could be erratic, harmful, or misguided. Given their
potentially advanced capabilities, this could have far-reaching unintended
consequences for digital and real-world systems they interact with.

4. Difficulty of intervention: Once a mind is uploaded, it may be
challenging to intervene or provide effective mental health treatment.
Traditional therapeutic approaches may not translate well to a digital
substrate, and the autonomy of uploaded minds may need to be respected even
if they are behaving problematically.

5. Societal risks: If early uploaded minds with mental problems are in
positions of power or influence, it could pose major societal risks. Their
altered decision-making could have negative impacts on a large scale.

To try to avoid these scenarios, a few key steps would be critical:

1. Rigorous pre-upload screening: Before allowing any mind to be uploaded,
extensive psychological evaluation and screening should be conducted to
identify any pre-existing mental health issues. Only minds that are deemed
psychologically stable and healthy should be approved for uploading.

2. Ongoing monitoring and support: Even with screening, it's possible for
mental health issues to emerge after uploading. There would need to be
ongoing monitoring of uploaded minds and robust support systems in place to
identify and intervene if problems arise.

3. Secure containment and testing: Initial uploads should occur in secure,
isolated digital environments where their actions can be contained and
studied. Extensive testing of their psychological stability and
decision-making should be conducted before giving them any access to wider

4. Governance and regulation: Clear governance frameworks and regulations
would be needed to oversee the uploading process and respond to any
problematic uploads. This may require the ability to pause, isolate, or
even delete uploaded minds if they pose serious threats and can't be

5. Advancing digital psychology: Significant research would be needed to
better understand the psychological dynamics of uploaded minds and develop
effective approaches for digital mental health care. This would be an
important foundation for proactively addressing potential mental health

However, even with these precautions, the risk of mental health problems in
uploaded minds can't be eliminated entirely. The complexity of the human
mind and the radical nature of uploading mean that unexpected psychological
issues could still emerge. Monitoring and responding to these issues would
need to be an ongoing priority as the technology develops.

The potential for uploaded minds to shape the trajectory of human
civilization means that their psychological stability is of paramount
importance. Careful screening, oversight, and support would be essential to
try to start the uploading process on a positive path. But it remains an
open question whether we can fully predict or control the mental states of
minds translated to a radically different substrate. Caution and humility
are certainly called for.
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