[ExI] after upload, what?

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat Mar 23 01:32:08 UTC 2024

On Sat, 23 Mar 2024 at 00:58, Travis Porco via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Forgive me for delurking, but perhaps the time has come to ask *how*
> to do an upload or upload-like activity right now, today, with
> existing technology...extracting enough memory and identity to
> generate an authorized continuing agent for yourself, without being
> distracted by worries about whether it is "really you" and so forth.
> As I follow these discussions I find the philosophical worries merely
> lead to inaction, and in some cases, contain elements dismissive of
> the value of lives.
> --tcp
> _______________________________________________

Uploads probably won't be possible until after AGI is developed.
What is possible now is creating digital clones or copies of people.

Some people have done this for relatives that have recently died, so
that they can converse with their image while recovering from grief.
This is usually only temporary, until they reach acceptance of their loss.

For example -
You Can Now Create a Digital Clone of Yourself with Eternity.AC, an AI
Startup Paving a Path to Immortality
TheLostSwede Nov 16th, 2023

There are other several other examples that can be found by a search.


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