[ExI] libertarians nominate none of these

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Mon Mar 25 19:07:26 UTC 2024

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of Keith Henson via extropy-chat

>... lowercase libertarians.
It could be built into the culture, but the people who are attracted to the ideas are just not very cooperative. Keith

Ja.  Somewhere in EP should be a chapter on the small class of people who actively eschew power, who do not want to control other people's lives.  Such people should exist, even as anomalies.  EP is about differential reproduction in favor of those whose behaviors are all the things EP predicts, but we have a few complete asexuals.  I know one personally, a cousin.  Obviously she has no children, but has a lifelong opposite gender partner who is also asexual.  OK then.

Asexuality is an anomaly.  So... those who eschew power and wealth should not surprise us.

I eschew power, but I am way totally cool with wealth.  If one argues that wealth is a form of power, I would counterargue that on the contrary, everyone has a choice if they want to trade with me.  I do not command anyone.  I buy their services.  We both win.

Keith we live in California, which is a free state: we can vote however we feel and never worry for a minute it can have any influence on the outcome.  So... I vote my conscience.  I am a green libertarian, who generally votes with the Libertarian party.


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