[ExI] to hold or not to hold

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Mon Mar 25 23:56:53 UTC 2024

...> On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat


>...I think you may be looking at this the wrong way.
It has little to do with Wall Street and stock trading.
I can't see Wall Street stock market moving out of New York...

I can.  But your next comment is what caught my attention.

>...What is happening is that businesses are moving offices and HQs out of
New York and Illinois, down to Florida and Texas for tax reasons and a more
attractive political environment. That should be good for Florida real
estate values, which is your concern.


Thx Billk.  I struggle to compensate for confirmation bias and fail: I
conclude you are right on with this comment.  It was what I was already
thinking, and I have a high opinion of you, so naturally I want to agree,
even if I actually literally do agree wholeheartedly.  I assume myself
biased because I grew up in that house, then try to compensate for
confirmation bias, and still agree with change left over.

The property in question is within driving distance of Elon Musk's
operation, the town where I tragically squandered my cheerfully misspent
childhood and youth.  It was located waaaaay the hell out in the county when
I lived there, but other homes were built around it.  Now it is in a nice
quiet safe neighborhood, still outside of the city limits but with city
water and sewer.  It has plenty of amenities, its own alligator living in
the lake in the back yard, nice neighbors, etc.

OK BillK, ya talked me into it.  It's a hold for now.


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