[ExI] to hold or not to hold

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 00:29:34 UTC 2024

On Mon, Mar 25, 2024, 1:50 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> The Attorney General of New York has demonstrated that New York law
> empowers her to seize property if she wants it.  She wants it.  So… the
> world’s financial markets noticed and are looking for a safe alternative.
Given a valid court judgment, she could seize property in Florida.  As with
contracts, those things are (in most cases) valid nationwide if there is a
nationwide context.

Also, this is not a new thing.  The situation you describe (aside from the
AG's gender) was the case when New York rose to power as a financial
center.  New York AGs have been seizing property for literally centuries.
So, this clearly does not scare off most people with serious money.

> Does anyone here know if moving to Florida is a viable option for Wall
> Street stock and securities trading?  If there is a few milliseconds longer
> latency between London, Tokyo and West Palm Beach, the Florida move might
> not even be an option.  I need to know this for it influences my decision
> on whether or not to hold Florida real estate.
You will not be engaging in the kind of trading where this matters.  If you
were, you would be thinking in microseconds, not milliseconds, and you
would be concerned about where your data center is, not where you are.
Given your wording, it seems highly unlikely that you plan to build a
completely automated data center in Florida, but instead that you are
thinking this real estate is where people would be, potentially including
traders who act at merely human speeds and do not notice lag of a few
microseconds.  So, this factor is irrelevant to your decision.

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