[ExI] after upload, what?
Brent Allsop
brent.allsop at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 17:06:56 UTC 2024
My belief is that visual 3D visual knowledge of what we see is a critical
part of what consciousness is.
There is a spirit world in our heads composed of color qualities. When
there is a lesion in the primary visual cortex the part of this spirit
world represented in that region is gone, a gaping blind spot.
"Bionic eyes" using things like the Utah Array and work being done by neura
link can stimulate areas in the visual cortex, and get people to experience
visual knowledge or pixels or white sometimes referred to as 'sprites'.
But they can't yet get color. And until they know what is responsible for
subjective color qualities, and can reproduce all the colors at will,
subjectively, and fix these regions in the primary visual cortex, no
simulation of it will work.
My prediction is, once they discover which of all our descriptions of stuff
in the brain is a description of redness, and stuff like that. And once
they can get colored 'sprites' to be experienced in the subjective visual
space, this will revolutionize AI, to say nothing about repairing the
visual cortex and its qualities. I predict this kind of computation
directly on intrinsic qualities like redness and greenness will change
humanity forever. I predict that people will look back on completely
quality blind thinking like this as ideotic. Everyone will be wondering
how so many smart people could have been so quality blind for so long.
On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 3:54 AM Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 5:57 PM Travis Porco via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> Forgive me for delurking,
> No forgiveness needed. Welcome to the chat!
>> but perhaps the time has come to ask *how*
>> to do an upload or upload-like activity right now, today, with
>> existing technology...extracting enough memory and identity to
>> generate an authorized continuing agent for yourself, without being
>> distracted by worries about whether it is "really you" and so forth.
>> As I follow these discussions I find the philosophical worries merely
>> lead to inaction, and in some cases, contain elements dismissive of
>> the value of lives.
> Well...there is one option with today's technology, but it'd be heck of
> impractically expensive for a human brain, though I hear something like
> this might be being done with insect brains.
> Map out and simulate each neuron, one by one. Make a good enough (which
> likely requires near-perfect in practice) software simulation of the
> neuron, including its synapses (its inputs and outputs). Connect these
> neuron simulations together, in the exact same fashion as the actual
> neurons are connected. Run the whole thing on a powerful enough computer -
> which involves massive parallelism, even for insect simulations, thus the
> expense. There also needs to be blank/spare/extra hardware to simulate
> growth of new neurons over time (not as many as already exist in the
> running brain, but a nonzero amount, with a potentially indefinite cap if
> the simulated brain lives forever; more hardware can be added over time to
> support this, but this might put a cap on the practical maximum speed-up if
> the uploaded brain is to run significantly faster than the original).
> This misses input from the rest of the body, but it's a start (and can
> help narrow down exactly what the rest of the body's inputs are).
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