[ExI] after upload, what?

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 17:38:12 UTC 2024

On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 10:09 AM Brent Allsop via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> My belief is that visual 3D visual knowledge of what we see is a critical
> part of what consciousness is.
> There is a spirit world in our heads composed of color qualities.

The "spirit world" in _The Clinic Ssed_ was a euphemism for the simulated
world uploaded minds found themselves in.


When there is a lesion in the primary visual cortex the part of this spirit
> world represented in that region is gone, a gaping blind spot.
> "Bionic eyes" using things like the Utah Array and work being done by
> neura link can stimulate areas in the visual cortex, and get people to
> experience visual knowledge or pixels or white sometimes referred to as
> 'sprites'.  But they can't yet get color.  And until they know what is
> responsible for subjective color qualities, and can reproduce all the
> colors at will, subjectively, and fix these regions in the primary visual
> cortex, no simulation of it will work.
> My prediction is, once they discover which of all our descriptions of
> stuff in the brain is a description of redness, and stuff like that.  And
> once they can get colored 'sprites' to be experienced in the subjective
> visual space, this will revolutionize AI, to say nothing about repairing
> the visual cortex and its qualities.  I predict this kind of computation
> directly on intrinsic qualities like redness and greenness will change
> humanity forever.  I predict that people will look back on completely
> quality blind thinking like this as ideotic.  Everyone will be wondering
> how so many smart people could have been so quality blind for so long.
>  TWIYH_1080P.mp4
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U4mq0Tpi1dGugf-ZJB8YLH4k8Vaa3r5D/view?usp=drive_web>
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 3:54 AM Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 5:57 PM Travis Porco via extropy-chat <
>> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>>> Forgive me for delurking,
>> No forgiveness needed.  Welcome to the chat!
>>> but perhaps the time has come to ask *how*
>>> to do an upload or upload-like activity right now, today, with
>>> existing technology...extracting enough memory and identity to
>>> generate an authorized continuing agent for yourself, without being
>>> distracted by worries about whether it is "really you" and so forth.
>>> As I follow these discussions I find the philosophical worries merely
>>> lead to inaction, and in some cases, contain elements dismissive of
>>> the value of lives.
>> Well...there is one option with today's technology, but it'd be heck of
>> impractically expensive for a human brain, though I hear something like
>> this might be being done with insect brains.
>> Map out and simulate each neuron, one by one.  Make a good enough (which
>> likely requires near-perfect in practice) software simulation of the
>> neuron, including its synapses (its inputs and outputs).  Connect these
>> neuron simulations together, in the exact same fashion as the actual
>> neurons are connected.  Run the whole thing on a powerful enough computer -
>> which involves massive parallelism, even for insect simulations, thus the
>> expense.  There also needs to be blank/spare/extra hardware to simulate
>> growth of new neurons over time (not as many as already exist in the
>> running brain, but a nonzero amount, with a potentially indefinite cap if
>> the simulated brain lives forever; more hardware can be added over time to
>> support this, but this might put a cap on the practical maximum speed-up if
>> the uploaded brain is to run significantly faster than the original).
>> This misses input from the rest of the body, but it's a start (and can
>> help narrow down exactly what the rest of the body's inputs are).
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