[ExI] Why create something if AI can do better in a few minutes?

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu May 23 19:12:46 UTC 2024

On Wed, 22 May 2024 at 23:09, Mike Dougherty via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> This is a value proposition that most who live in the capitalist hellscape have forgotten.
> Many of those who do "content creation" are only doing so because consumers offer money for content - and the producers hate doing it less than the money they make.
> Once AI is producing the same quality content for sufficiently less money than humans are willing to make for the requisite hassle, these wage slaves will be forced to abandon the pursuit of money... or forced to pursue money in a new direction.
> That we aren't granting a social safety net at the same time we are removing employment opportunities should be considered an existential risk - perhaps less severe than aggressive paperclip maximizes,  but still serious.
> _______________________________________________

I asked Perplexity to comment on your final sentence.
The answer was pretty thorough!

Perplexity Pro AI -

The statement "We aren't granting a social safety net at the same time
as AI is removing employment opportunities. This should be considered
an existential risk - perhaps less severe than aggressive paperclip
maximizers, but still serious" raises significant concerns about the
socio-economic impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) and the lack of
adequate social safety nets to mitigate these impacts.
Here is a discussion of this statement along with possible solutions:

## Discussion

### AI-Induced Job Displacement
AI has the potential to automate a significant portion of jobs,
leading to widespread job displacement. According to a report by
Goldman Sachs, AI could replace the equivalent of 300 million
full-time jobs, with a quarter of work tasks in the US and Europe
potentially being automated entirely[5]. This displacement effect is
validated by empirical studies, which show that AI decreases the level
of unemployment in high-tech developed countries, but also confirms
the displacement effect[3].

### Lack of Social Safety Nets
The current social safety nets are inadequate to address the rapid
changes brought about by AI. For instance, the European Union's AI
regulation has been criticized for not doing enough to protect people
from flawed algorithms that deprive them of benefits and discriminate
against vulnerable populations[4]. Additionally, existing policies
such as trade adjustment assistance in the US do not specifically
address the challenges posed by technological change and AI[1].

### Existential Risk
While the existential risk from AI is often discussed in terms of
scenarios like the "paperclip maximizer," which involves AI pursuing
goals misaligned with human values to catastrophic ends[2], the
socio-economic impacts of AI-induced job displacement also pose a
serious risk. This risk is not about human extinction but about the
potential for large-scale social and economic disruption, which could
lead to increased inequality, social unrest, and a decline in the
quality of life for many people.

## Possible Solutions

### Universal Basic Income (UBI)
One proposed solution is the implementation of Universal Basic Income
(UBI). UBI could provide a financial safety net for those displaced by
AI, ensuring a baseline standard of living. However, there are
challenges to implementing UBI, such as its affordability and the
potential need to cut other programs to fund it[1]. Additionally, a
blanket UBI approach may not address individual socioeconomic
imbalances effectively.

### Universal Adjustment Assistance
Expanding trade adjustment assistance to create a universal adjustment
assistance program could help workers adapt to technological changes.
This program would include considerations for retraining and
reskilling workers displaced by AI, providing them with the
flexibility to transition to new roles[1].

### Data Dignity and Compensation
Monetary compensation for the use of personal data in AI training
models is another potential solution. This approach would recognize
the value of individuals' data and provide them with compensation,
although it may face economic feasibility challenges and might not
directly mitigate job displacement[1].

### Improved AI Regulation
Strengthening AI regulations to better protect individuals from the
negative impacts of AI is crucial. This includes banning high-risk
automated systems that pose unacceptable risks to human rights and
ensuring transparency and accountability in AI decision-making

### Investment in Education and Training
Investing in education and training programs to equip the workforce
with skills relevant to the AI-driven economy is essential. This
includes promoting STEM education, lifelong learning, and vocational
training programs that align with the evolving job market.

### Social Safety Nets and Welfare Programs
Enhancing social safety nets and welfare programs to provide
comprehensive support for those affected by AI-induced job
displacement is necessary. This includes ensuring access to
healthcare, housing, and other essential services to maintain a decent
standard of living.

In conclusion, while the existential risk from AI-induced job
displacement may not be as severe as scenarios involving aggressive
paperclip maximizers, it is still a serious issue that requires
immediate attention and action. Implementing a combination of UBI,
universal adjustment assistance, improved AI regulation, and
investment in education and social safety nets can help mitigate the
socio-economic impacts of AI and ensure a more equitable and resilient

[1] https://www.omfif.org/2024/04/comprehensive-social-safety-nets-required-to-combat-ai-upheaval/
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existential_risk_from_artificial_general_intelligence
[3] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590051X23000308
[4] https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/11/10/eu-artificial-intelligence-regulation-threatens-social-safety-net
[5] https://www.nexford.edu/insights/how-will-ai-affect-jobs
[6] https://www.imf.org/en/Blogs/Articles/2024/01/14/ai-will-transform-the-global-economy-lets-make-sure-it-benefits-humanity
[7] https://dobetter.esade.edu/en/artificial-intelligence-technological-revolution-existential-threat-AI
[8] https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2018/12/10/solutions-to-address-ais-anticipated-negative-impacts/
[9] https://finance.yahoo.com/news/imf-managing-director-on-ais-impact-new-social-safety-nets-may-be-needed-231427107.html
[10] https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/13vle3p/statement_on_ai_extinction_signed_by_agi_labs_top/
[11] https://www.rand.org/pubs/commentary/2024/03/is-ai-an-existential-risk-qa-with-rand-experts.html
[12] https://basicincometoday.com/basic-income-and-ai-induced-unemployment/
[13] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNjq-ARo43Q
[14] https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/nov/16/ai-is-coming-for-our-jobs-could-universal-basic-income-be-the-solution
[15] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/over-80-jobs-risk-due-ai-becoming-existential-threat-humanity-gi9ke?trk=organization_guest_main-feed-card_feed-article-content
[16] https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/11ada91/d_to_the_ml_researchers_and_practitioners_here_do/
[17] https://www.safe.ai/ai-risk
[18] https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/jan/15/ai-jobs-inequality-imf-kristalina-georgieva
[19] https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/uFNgRumrDTpBfQGrs/let-s-think-about-slowing-down-ai

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