[ExI] Mono or Poly?

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 14:52:51 UTC 2025

On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 12:14 AM Rafal Smigrodzki via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> The next few years on Earth may be pivotal to the organization of matter in this galaxy. We live in epic times. The fate of a big chunk of the universe might turn on decisions made by us monkeys.

Maybe.  Very few agree with me, but I suspect that the shadows we see
passing in front of Tabby's star are alien data centers hundreds of
times the area of the Earth.  23 other stars in a cluster also blink
so if we are looking at aliens, they have spread out about 1000 ly.
So if we blow it, life may still exist in the universe.  On the other
hand, if what we see is aliens, they (or perhaps their AI offspring)
made it through their local singularity indicating we can do it as
well.  On the gripping hand, we may have serious competition.  The
closest blinking star is 511 ly.

> As I said, I don't know if poly is better than mono in this situation. I don't think anybody could know that, since nobody has ever seen the vistas that are opening now.

I have thought about the singularity for 40 years and completely agree
with you.  Unprecedented, uncharted waters.  We just don't know how
things will go.

> The time of cosmic significance is upon us. Time will tell.

And in a time frame where most of us will live into it.

> Rafal
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