[ExI] Do you have a secret family pass phrase?

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Mon Jan 20 11:58:35 UTC 2025

On Mon, Jan 20, 2025, 5:27 AM Kelly Anderson via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 9, 2025 at 4:49 PM Brent Allsop via extropy-chat
> <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> >She had a baby daughter
> >from an abusive husband, when she traveled to the US, then to Utah,
> shortly
> >after becoming a Mormon.  She met someone on the way there, who also had
> >recently converted to Mormonism.  They got married on the way to Utah,
> then
> >in Utah, when the baby daughter turned 16, he married her as a second
> polygamus wife.
> >She was my great great grandmother, also married at the same time to my
> great great grandfather.
> I'm not sure why that seems awful... I know a lot of polygamists
> married two sisters, and that doesn't strike me as so bad... but this
> is kind of yuck. Not sure why, exactly.

One reason might be the degree of inbreeding, which many people find yucky
on an instinctive level.  In the former case there is no inbreeding, or at
least no more than the monogamous case of the guy marrying (and thus having
kids with) only one of the sisters.  In the latter, it fits the definition.

There is also the implication that the daughter may have essentially been
groomed to become the guy's second wife, which is widely seen as a form of
child abuse (among those who ever conceive of someone doing that; I suspect
the majority of humanity never has reason for that mental picture to enter
their minds).  Child abuse is likewise widely considered yucky on an
instinctive level (to the point that abusers generally find reasons -
however flimsy - why they do not consider their own actions to be abuse, or
avoid considering the question).

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