[Paleopsych] Eureka: Ecologist calls for creation of an international panel to assess human behavior

Steve shovland at mindspring.com
Sun Aug 8 18:58:56 UTC 2004

I think the fact that Kerry is talking
about "alternate" energy is a good
indicator of where mass sentiment
is- near the "critical mass" point.
Politicians follow as much (more?)
as they lead.

Steve Hovland

-----Original Message-----
From:	Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D. [SMTP:ljohnson at solution-consulting.com]
Sent:	Sunday, August 08, 2004 11:52 AM
To:	The new improved paleopsych list
Subject:	Re: [Paleopsych] Eureka: Ecologist calls for creation of	an	international panel to assess human behavior

Ehrlich has been predicting gloom and doom all his career, and has 
always been wrong.

How is it he doesn't have more humilty?

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