August 2004 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Aug 1 00:45:02 UTC 2004
Ending: Tue Aug 31 19:03:11 UTC 2004
Messages: 232
- [Paleopsych] Restart: licking the rich
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Restart: licking the rich
- [Paleopsych] Restart: licking the rich
- [Paleopsych] Restart: licking the rich
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Restart: licking the rich
- [Paleopsych] Restart: licking the rich
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] Restart: licking the rich
- [Paleopsych] if neurons sing the melody, do astrocytes sing bass?
HowlBloom at
- [Paleopsych] CHE: For Resident Assistants, a Race for Inequality
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Reason: Make Mine Malthus!: Overpopulation panic's eternal return
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] LRB: Karl Sabbagh: The Strange Case of Louis de Branges
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Economist: Affirmative action: Advantages for the advantaged
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] if neurons sing the melody, do astrocytes sing bass?
- [Paleopsych] if neurons sing the melody, do astrocytes sing bass?
HowlBloom at
- [Paleopsych] Newsweek: What Dreams Are Made of
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT: Sociology. History. Where to Put the Blanket.
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT: A Lament for Ancient Games in Modern World of Doping
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] psychopaths rising to the top
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] psychopaths rising to the top
- [Paleopsych] psychopaths rising to the top
Pavel Kurakin
- [Paleopsych] psychopaths rising to the top
- [Paleopsych] cages
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] How not to buy happiness by Robert H. Frank, pp. 69-79
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Reuters: Web Addiction Gets Conscripts Out of Army
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] short term thinking
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] Wired 8.04: Bill Joy: Why the future doesn't need us.
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Boston Globe: Brain device offers hope for some mental disorders
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] BH: Support Found for Social Brain Theory
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] short term thinking
- [Paleopsych] BH: Support Found for Social Brain Theory
- [Paleopsych] [nibbs-newsletter] Issue 114 - 7 August, 2004
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Science News: Deception Detection
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Independent: Why do so many psychologists shy away from research into the power of imagination?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Unequal Societies, Unhealthy Societies
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Nature: Science secret of grand masters revealed
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Eureka: Scientists prove time flies when you're busy
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Eureka: Study shows how consensus is attained in a noisy world
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Eureka: Study explains spatial orientation differences between sexes
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Eureka: Landmark survey reports on the prevalence of personality disorders in the United States
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Eureka: Ecologist calls for creation of an international panel to assess human behavior
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Independent: Why do so many psychologists shy away from research into the power of imagination?
- [Paleopsych] Unequal Societies, Unhealthy Societies
- [Paleopsych] Eureka: Ecologist calls for creation of an international panel to assess human behavior
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Eureka: Ecologist calls for creation of an international panel to assess human behavior
- [Paleopsych] Eureka: Ecologist calls for creation of an international panel to assess human behavior
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Independent: Why do so many psychologists shy away from research into the power of imagination?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Hope for the energy future
- [Paleopsych] Unequal Societies, Unhealthy Societies
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Independent: Why do so many psychologists shy away from research into the power of imagination?
- [Paleopsych] Unequal Societies, Unhealthy Societies
- [Paleopsych] Eureka: Ecologist calls for creation of an international panel to assess human behavior
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] Eureka: Ecologist calls for creation of an international panel to assess human behavior
- [Paleopsych] Eureka: Ecologist calls for creation of an international panel to assess human behavior
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Eureka: Ecologist calls for creation of an international panel to assess human behavior
- [Paleopsych] energy future & depolymerization (LONG!)
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] depolymerization doubts (energy future)
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] depolymerization doubts (energy future)
- [Paleopsych] Eureka: Ecologist calls for creation of an international pan...
HowlBloom at
- [Paleopsych] Eureka: Ecologist calls for creation of an international pan...
- [Paleopsych] depolymerization doubts (energy future)
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] The upcoming end of fossil fuels is...
- [Paleopsych] pygmalion effect
Marcel Roele
- [Paleopsych] pygmalion effect
Marcel Roele
- [Paleopsych] energy problems
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] energy problems
- [Paleopsych] energy problems
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] energy problems
- [Paleopsych] open access
Euterpel66 at
- [Paleopsych] open access
- [Paleopsych] open access
Stephen Lee
- [Paleopsych] CSM: Terrorism & Security
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Solar Power Myth: "they will never produce the energy consumed in producing them
- [Paleopsych] Marine turbines- like windfarms under the waves
- [Paleopsych] Biodiesel
- [Paleopsych] Reuters: Gene Blocker Turns Monkeys Into Workaholics
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] AP: Britain grants cloning license
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Reason: The Transhumans Are Coming!
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NR: Deroy Murdock: 1984, c. 2004 Doublespeak is alive and well.
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Passive Solar Heating
- [Paleopsych] Passive Solar Cooling
- [Paleopsych] Ramblin' Wrecks: Study Suggests Humans Can Speed Evolution
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Gary North: Repeat After Me: "I Am Getting Safer And Safer"
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] CBC: None Dare Call It Cloning by Wesley J. Smith
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Alternet: Transexual Olympiads
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] CBC: Will Human Beings Remain Truly Human? by Wesley J. Smith
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Why We Send So Many Americans to Prison and Probably Shouldn't
- [Paleopsych] Why We Send So Many Americans to Prison and Probably Shouldn't
- [Paleopsych] al qaeda influencing election
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] American Demographics: Bush vs. Kerry: What Influences Swing Voters?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Premise Checker: Winfield S. Hancock 1880
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] American Demographics: Bush vs. Kerry: What Influences Swing Voters?
- [Paleopsych] al qaeda influencing election
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Guardian: Why shouldn't aliens look like us?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] BBC - Radio 4 - Life Skills
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Economist: Economics focus: The evolution of everyday life
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Radical Restructure: The Only Way to Fix Intelligence
- [Paleopsych] PNAS: Evolvability is a selectable trait -- Earl and Deem 101 (32): 11531
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] al qaeda influencing election
- [Paleopsych] Gaming the power grid
- [Paleopsych] prison
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] Popular Science: Geoffrey Mone: Is Science Fiction about to Go Blind?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Boston Globe: Sick of nature
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Gaming the power grid
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Boston Globe: Sick of nature
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] prison
- [Paleopsych] Gaming the power grid
HowlBloom at
- [Paleopsych] Gaming the power grid
- [Paleopsych] "Whoever controls Iraqi oil controls Iraq's destiny,"
- [Paleopsych] Gaming the power grid
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] "Whoever controls Iraqi oil controls Iraq's destiny, "
- [Paleopsych] Gaming the power grid
- [Paleopsych] Gaming the power grid
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Observer: (Sir Roger) I can explain everything
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Gaming the power grid
- [Paleopsych] Observer: (Sir Roger) I can explain everything
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Gaming the power grid
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Gaming the power grid
- [Paleopsych] prison
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] prison
- [Paleopsych] Business Week: Howard Rheingold's Latest Connection
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] drug war
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] drug war
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] drug war
- [Paleopsych] NYT Mag: Bush Landslide (in Theory)!
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Global Research: The Remote Manipulation of the Human Brain
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT Mag: Bush Landslide (in Theory)!
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] NYT Mag: Bush Landslide (in Theory)!
- [Paleopsych] death penalty?
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] death penalty?
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Health Benefits and the 'Jobless Recovery'
- [Paleopsych] death penalty?
- [Paleopsych] drug war
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] death penalty?
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] BBC: Hungry world 'must eat less meat'
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] 'Designer babies' pose near-term ethical issue
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Manchester Online: 'Miracle babies' row
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYTBR: 'Tough Girl' Fiction: Deadlier Than the Male
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYTBR: 'Status Anxiety' and 'The Status Syndrome': Keeping Up With the Joneses
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYTBR: 'A Man's Guide to a Civilized Divorce': Your Marriage Was a Total Disaster. Now What?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Possibility of a landslide
- [Paleopsych] Possibility of a landslide
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Possibility of a landslide
- [Paleopsych] Howard on the radio tonight
- [Paleopsych] Men destroyed by shadow eruptions
- [Paleopsych] I don't buy the notion that Osama is biding his time
- [Paleopsych] addiction
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] butterfly effect
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] addiction
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Douglas Rushkoff: The Networked Individual
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Guardian: I'm not guilty - but my brain is
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] drugs and violence
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] drugs and alcohol
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] drugs and alcohol
- [Paleopsych] drugs and alcohol
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] drugs and alcohol
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] drugs and alcohol
- [Paleopsych] drugs and alcohol
- [Paleopsych] drugs and violence
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] drugs and alcohol
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] drugs and violence
- [Paleopsych] drugs and violence
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] NYT: The Claim: Running Increases the Risk of Osteoarthritis
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Independent Institute: Elections Are a Lousy Way to Run a Country
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Independent Institute: The Case Against the Democratic State
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] drugs and violence
- [Paleopsych] drugs and violence
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Did Osama miss his best chance?
- [Paleopsych] Did Osama miss his best chance?
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] Did Osama miss his best chance?
- [Paleopsych] drugs and violence
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] drugs and violence
- [Paleopsych] drugs
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] Brookings: Fact Sheet on the Continued Thickening of Government
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT: When Alzheimer's Steals the Mind, How Aggressively to Treat the Body?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] drug war
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] marijuana
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] drugs
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] drugs and violence
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] marijuana
Richard Metzger
- [Paleopsych] The bottom line regarding the ass at the top :-)
- [Paleopsych] drugs
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] drugs
- [Paleopsych] drugs
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] drugs
- [Paleopsych] Richard loses his keys
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] Richard loses his keys
- [Paleopsych] Richard loses his keys
- [Paleopsych] NYT: White House Shifts Its Focus on Climate
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Richard loses his keys
Richard Metzger
- [Paleopsych] Richard loses his keys
- [Paleopsych] Re: paleopsych Digest, Vol 3, Issue 25
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] Whom to vote for - Eldredge Cleaver
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] Richard loses his keys and finds his soul
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] Whom to vote for - Eldredge Cleaver
- [Paleopsych] Richard loses his keys and finds his soul
- [Paleopsych] elections
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] elections
- [Paleopsych] Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?
- [Paleopsych] bush/kerry
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] Sample fax to congress
- [Paleopsych] CBC: "The Human Future" by Jennifer Lahl
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] SFChron: Coming very soon: A 'Freak Olympics'
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Scientific American: Gene Doping
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Reason: Ron Bailey: Transhumanism: The Most Dangerous Idea? (fwd)
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] King Solomon (977 B.C.) on Paula's Defeat in the 10K
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] dems/reps
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] Four Articles about Paul Hamm, 2004 August 26 and 27
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] dems/reps
- [Paleopsych] the grief-meter
HowlBloom at
- [Paleopsych] the grief-meter
- [Paleopsych] the grief-meter
- [Paleopsych] Re: Incoming Message
- [Paleopsych] Re: Thank you!
- [Paleopsych] Re: Document
- [Paleopsych] the grief-meter
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] the grief-meter
Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D.
- [Paleopsych] the grief-meter
- [Paleopsych] WP Outlook: The Athletes Shouldn't Take the Fall
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] politics
Michael Christopher
- [Paleopsych] politics
- [Paleopsych] Larry Auster: How Strong Is the Arab Claim to Palestine?
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] CHE: Europe Strives to Keep Its Scientists at Home
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] CHE Letters: The Future of U.S. Science
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Logos J.: Juergen Habermans in Conversation: America and the World
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] Ecnomist: Business books: How 51 Gorillas Can Make You Seriously Rich
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] CHE: Europe Strives to Keep Its Scientists at Home
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] CHE: Europe Strives to Keep Its Scientists at Home
- [Paleopsych] CHE: Europe Strives to Keep Its Scientists at Home
Werbos, Dr. Paul J.
- [Paleopsych] CHE: Europe Strives to Keep Its Scientists at Home
- [Paleopsych] NYT: Exercise: Walk, Don't Run, the Knees Say
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] NYT: Update: The Evidence on Revenge Mounts
Premise Checker
- [Paleopsych] good clean fun
Last message date:
Tue Aug 31 19:03:11 UTC 2004
Archived on: Fri May 1 01:18:45 UTC 2009
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