[Paleopsych] Eureka: Ecologist calls for creation of an international panel to assess human behavior

Lynn D. Johnson, Ph.D. ljohnson at solution-consulting.com
Sun Aug 8 18:51:55 UTC 2004

Ehrlich has been predicting gloom and doom all his career, and has 
always been wrong.

How is it he doesn't have more humilty?

Werbos, Dr. Paul J. wrote:

> At 11:51 AM 8/7/2004 -0400, Premise Checker wrote:
>> Ecologist calls for creation of an international panel to assess 
>> human behavior
>> http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2004-08/su-ecf072804.php
>> 4.8.1
>>    Contact: Mark Shwartz
>>    [2]mshwartz at stanford.edu
>>    650-723-9296
>>    [3]Stanford University
>> Ecologist calls for creation of an international panel to assess 
>> human behavior
>>    Stanford University Professor Paul R. Ehrlich is urging fellow
>>    ecologists to join with social scientists to form an international
>>    panel that will discuss and recommend changes in the way human beings
>>    treat one another and the environment.
> Ehrlich came to NSF a couple of years ago.
> He wanted to talk about CO2 -- and, implicitly, the big new glorious 
> center at Stanford
> that is supposed to address such environmental problems.
> I still remember the experience of hearing the talk.
> Initial hope as he said: "we can't just treat this as research into 
> how bad the problem
> is. we need research into what can be done to solve the problem. Thus 
> we need to
> broaden our approach to make it more decision-oriented and 
> crossdisciplinary..."
> ..
> But then:" So we need to work more with political scientists and 
> lawyers..."
> The oil dependency problem looks scarier every time I look one step 
> deeper.
> And it correlates very closely with the CO2 problem. One thing is 
> clear --
> lawyers alone have absolutely no hope of locating the real world here.
> Without some understanding of technologies and numbers it is hopeless.
> Kyoto by itself, for example, is a high-price Gucci fig leaf that 
> covers almost nothing.
> Best,
> Paul
> (not representing anyone...)
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