[Paleopsych] The Imago Newsletter, 2004.9

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The Imago Newsletter, service of the Center for Bioethics and Culture 


The Anthropocentric Cosmos? Part II: Human Uniqueness and the Natural 
Sciences by Chris Fisher, PhD

    Cosmology, Providence, and Humanity's Place in the Cosmos
    The natural sciences are supposed to have shown that humans are
    nowhere near the 'center of the universe', either physically or
    metaphorically. However, science offers other perspectives besides
    cosmic geography from which to view human existence and uniqueness,
    which lead to a very different conclusion. The anthropic principle,
    which recognizes the extreme fine-tuning of the universe to make life
    possible, suggests to some something about human significance. John
    Polkinghorne comments that 'the anthropic principle represents a kind
    of anti-Copernican revolution in our cosmological thinking. We do not
    live at the center of the universe, but neither do we live in just
    "any old world." Instead, we live in a universe whose constitution is
    precisely adjusted to the narrow limits that alone would make it
    capable of being our home.'
    [7]Read Entire Article...

How Then Should We Do Medical Research? by Robert Carlson

    What is the Declaration of Helsinki and why is it worthy of a doctoral
    thesis being devoted to it? The Declaration of Helsinki is one of the
    20th century's most remarkable texts. In this document, the World
    Medical Association seeks to provide "a statement of ethical
    principles to provide guidance to physicians and other participants in
    medical research" . Unlike many other much longer international
    documents , the Declaration of Helsinki sets forth its principles in
    less than 2000 words. It has risen, over its 40-year existence, to
    become one of the pre-eminent texts addressing ethical issues in
    medical research.
    [9]Read Entire Article...

Book Review by Todd Daly

    Review of Alister E. McGrath's, A Scientific Theology, vol. 1, Nature
    (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 2001), 325 pages

    In the first of his three volume A Scientific Theology entitled
    Nature, Alister McGrath sets out the groundwork for exploring the
    complex relationship between science and theology, in hopes that an
    investigation of this relationship might allow for the development of
    a theological methodology. Lest his title confuse and alienate
    faithful adherents to Christian Orthodoxy, McGrath reassuringly
    affirms that the classical Christian formulations of the faith are
    perfectly adequate to function as the basis of a scientific theology
    (p. 42). Fully aware of the problems that have plagued past efforts in
    this regard, McGrath builds on the foundation set forth by Augustines
    critical appropriation model, acknowledging that the admission of
    natural science methodologies into the operative logic of Christian
    theology can indeed be a dangerous exercise, given the provisional
    nature of both theological and scientific judgments. McGrath is no
    more satisfied with a vacuous theology capitulating to the rigorous
    methods of science than he is of a rigid, archaic theology which would
    dare not stoop to the realms of scientific inquiry. He asserts that a
    constructive working relationship between science and theology is not
    just an option, but is demanded by the way Christian theology
    understands the nature of reality itself. However, McGrath asserts
    that theres no privileged philosophy by which one need gain access to
    this complex interface in that both theology and science are viewed as
    disciplines which seek to give an account of this external reality.

  Calendar of Events

    Don't Forget: The Face of the Future: Technosapiens II? October 28-29, 2004

    Join us for the second round of discussion with
    key players in the technology revolution. Leading advocates and
    critics will continue the conversation and debate begun in California
    last October addressing the impact of nanotechnology, cybernetics,
    artificial intelligence and related technologies on the future of the
    human race. Confirmed speakers include, William Hurlbut M.D. of
    Stanford University and President Bush's Council on Bioethics, C.
    Christopher Hook M.D. Mayo Clinic, Lori Andrews J.D. Chicago-Kent
    College of Law, Nick Bostrom, Co-Founder of the World Transhumanist
    Association, Wrye Sententia, Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics,
    Christine Peterson, Director of the Foresight Institute. Holiday Inn
    on the Hill, Washington, DC. [13]http://www.thecbc.org. For additional
    information and online registration details, [14]click here. Contact
    [15]Jennifer.Lahl at thecbc.org for details.

    [17]Full List of Events...

Career Opportunities

      * Clinical and Organizational Ethics Leader, Midwest Bioethics
        Center, Kansas City, MO.
        Seeking a leader for our healthcare and organizational ethics
        domain who has a clinical medicine background, advanced academic
        training in bioethics, and a deep interest in working on a
        practical basis with healthcare delivery systems-whether a
        hospital system, medical center, physician practice, or healthcare
        insurance- on clinical or organizational ethics issues. Interested
        candidates should submit a letter chronicling education, relevant
        work experience, and future career interests, along with a current
        curriculum vitae or resume, to: [18]mdavis at midbio.org
        Education and Events Manager, Center for Bioethics and Human
        Dignity, Bannockburn, IL, USA.

    The following Positions are listed in full at
      * Research Fellowship, University of Chicago A two-year fellowship
        for recently trained physicians in Clinical Ethics. Applications
        available from [21]http://ethics.bsd.uchicago.edu to be received
        by December 15. Contact Mark Siegler at (773) 702-1453 or email:
        [22]msiegler at medicine.bsd.uchicago.edu.
      * Faculty in Biomedical Ethics, Stanford University. Invites
        applications for an open rank tenure-line faculty position in the
        general area of Biomedical Ethics with appointment beginning
        September 1, 2005. Junior candidates should have completed the
        Ph.D. by the time of appointment. Applicants will be expected to
        teach courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels; at
        least some of the courses should have a substantial component in
        Biomedical Ethics. Contact: David Magnus, Tel: 650-723-5760.
        Email: [23]dmagnus at stanford.edu
      * Assistant/Associate Professor of Bioethics, Case Western Reserve
        University. The Department of Bioethics invites applications for a
        faculty position in the area of public health ethics at the
        Assistant or Associate Professor level. The ideal applicants
        possess a PhD, JD, or MD, and have a record of outstanding
        scholarship in the area of public health ethics.
        The new faculty member will play an active role in the
        Department's robust research program and its teaching activities
        at the Medical School, undergraduate, Master's, and Doctoral
        levels. Applicants should submit a letter of interest, current
        Curriculum Vitae, two recent publications, and three letters of
        reference to: Barbara Juknialis, Case Western Reserve University,
        10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106-4976. Tel.
        216-368-3309. Email: [24]bwj at cwru.edu

    Nigel M. de S. Cameron Ph.D.
      Executive Chairman, The Center for Bioethics and Culture
      Director, The Council for Biotechnology Policy

    Henk Jochemsen Ph.D.
      Director, Lindeboom Institute, Ede, and holder Lindeboom chair for
    medical ethics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Nancy Jones Ph.D.
      Wake Forest University School of Medicine
    John F. Kilner Ph.D.
      President, The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity
    Jennifer Lahl M.A.
      Executive Director, The Center for Bioethics and Culture
    C. Ben Mitchell Ph.D.
      Editor, Ethics and Medicine
    Pia De Solenni Ph.D.
      Family Research Council
    Agneta Sutton Ph.D.
      Centre for Bioethics and Public Policy, London, UK
    Todd Daly
      IMAGO Editorial Fellow [onepixel.gif]

        [26]Want to be a part of the IMAGO network? Click here to subscribe
        [27]Click here to unsubscribe


    7. http://www.thecbc.org/redesigned/research_display.php?id=145
    9. http://www.thecbc.org/redesigned/research_display.php?id=146
   12. http://www.thecbc.org/redesigned/imago_article.php?id=147
   14. http://www.thecbc.org/research_display.php?id=118
   15. mailto:Jennifer.Lahl at thecbc.org
   17. http://www.thecbc.org/redesigned/imago_article.php?id=106
   18. mailto:mdavis at midbio.org
   19. http://www.bioethics.com/jobs.asp
   20. http://www.bioethics.net/bioethicsjobs.php
   21. http://ethics.bsd.uchicago.edu/
   22. mailto:msiegler at medicine.bsd.uchicago.edu
   23. mailto:dmagnus at stanford.edu
   24. mailto:bwj at cwru.edu
   26. mailto:todd.daly at thecbc.org?subject=SUBSCRIBE
   27. mailto:todd.daly at thecbc.org?subject=UNSUBSCRIBE

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