[Paleopsych] Re: paleopsych Digest, Vol 9, Issue 20
Steve Hovland
shovland at mindspring.com
Tue Feb 22 11:36:31 UTC 2005
This also touches on the issue of black-and-white
versus shades-of-gray mentalities.
The conservative mentality tends to be black-and-white
while the liberal mentality is more shades-of-gray.
Both sides have problems when carried to the extreme.
A conservative can be unbending at a time when it is
actually in his self-interest to be flexible, and a liberal
can be unable to commit to a course of action when
that is required.
Steve Hovland
-----Original Message-----
From: Alice Andrews [SMTP:andrewsa at newpaltz.edu]
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 8:31 PM
To: The new improved paleopsych list
Subject: Re: [Paleopsych] Re: paleopsych Digest, Vol 9, Issue 20
Hi Gerry,
Randy Nesse edited a book called "Evolution and the Capacity for
Commitment"; do you know it? It's wonderful... if you don't. (His
'Commitment in the Clinic' chapter is superb, btw.) Anyway, I think the
book addresses your question. The word 'commitment' itself addresses the
question. We have evolved mechanisms for detecting commitment and for
detecting possible defection in others. People who tow the party line, etc.
are considered committed. We seek out such people because it is proximately
and ultimately adaptive to do so. Befriending, supporting, trusting, etc.
the uncommitted would have been-- and still is, a risk (or threat). Such
risks could have been very costly over our evolutionary history and can be
still today. Of course, sometimes such risks (siding with someone who seems
to be sitting on the fence, uncommitted, a rebel) can be to one's
advantage. But 'ancient-brain' doesn't know this--and probably
'statistics-brain' doesn't know this either!
Anyway, enough late-night babbling! It's a good book and might answer your
All best!
----- Original Message -----
From: G. Reinhart-Waller
To: The new improved paleopsych list
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Paleopsych] Re: paleopsych Digest, Vol 9, Issue 20
>> Someone beyond the liberal/conservative
dichotomy may be rejected by both sides as a nuisance,
a threat to shared assumptions that define a group
against another.
This is absolutely amazing! Why would any audience
reject someone who cannot plop into either the liberal
or conservative camp? Please explain the threat you
feel is apparent. This I need to hear!
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