[Paleopsych] omnology and commitment

Michael Christopher anonymous_animus at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 23 20:47:46 UTC 2005

Gerry says:
>>Of interest is that many older people have grave 
concerns about their children having difficulty making
long-term commitments (see Alice's post below).<<

--Interestingly, the long-term commitments we ask them
to make are often bad risks, or fail to address the
real concerns of those who are not yet indoctrinated
into a habitual lifestyle. Those who see more options
are also more aware of risk, and many kids are
"perfectionistic slackers" whose anxiety or indecision
is covered by overt apathy. They don't feel secure to
make a decision and have it stick. They see how things
could go wrong, and if their parents are on dead-end
paths that won't work for future generations, kids are
more likely to see it. There's also the "apocalypse"
effect. If the culture as a whole cannot visualize a
livable future, without anxiety over catastrophic wars
or ecological collapse, the kids feel that too.
>>If what Steve says (below) is correct, by advising 
our youths to make political and social commitments,
we are in effect brainwashing them into grabbing a
conservative mentality.  I wonder if it also follows 
that those without any commitment are those with 
liberal mentality.<<

--Whether we're indoctrinating them politically
depends on which contexts we pick to apply pressure.
Are we pressuring them to make money rather than
follow their souls? Or are we pressuring them to
develop confidence in their ability to adapt? What
rewards/punishments are used? Do we punish them for
being undisciplined, or for choosing fields we don't
want them to be disciplined in?

Liberals may be able to see many possible futures as
opposed to one in which everything is set and certain.
In times of confusion, that would give the
conservative mindset an edge, but when conservative
policies fail, liberals are better able to adapt. I
think one can be a Leftist without having a liberal
mindset, or a Right-winger without having a genuine
conservative attitude. 

An omnologist would, presumably, want to be
disciplined in many fields, and free to venture into
new fields, explore unusual hypotheses, and follow
hunches. The combination of self-discipline and
wide-ranging interest is probably not cultivated in
any efficient way in the school system (it's been a
while so I don't know what schools are like these


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