[Paleopsych] Nanotechnology's progress and challenges addressed during ACS meeting
Steve Hovland
shovland at mindspring.com
Fri Mar 18 14:29:49 UTC 2005
SAN DIEGO - From promising diagnostic tests to tomorrow's electronics,
nanotechnology - the science and technology of the ultra-small - is getting
bigger all the time. More than 60 presentations, in symposia ranging from
medicine to the environment to business, highlight nanotechnology's
progress and challenges during the 229th national meeting of the American
Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society, in San Diego,
March 13-17. Highlights from selected symposia and research presentations
are highlighted below:
Monday, March 14
How do you name a nanomaterial?-When the field of molecular genetics
emerged, scientists often found themselves calling a new gene by different
names. Nanotechnology researchers now face a similar challenge. What's
more, this name game has regulatory importance: Today, the government ev
aluates and regulates the toxicity of a named chemical entity without
considering different-sized versions of it. But nanoparticles bear unique
electronic and mechanical features. Now, to clear up these concerns and
more, a researcher at Rice University is leading the call to build a
nomenclature for nanotechnology. (IEC 116, Monday, March 14, 4:00 p.m.,
Hyatt Regency, Room Ford A, during the symposium "Nanotechnology and the
Growing the business of nanotechnology - Since nanotechnology emerged,
dozens of businesses in California have launched big dreams for tiny tools.
Illustrating this boom is Nanosys, launched in 2002 in Palo Alto, Calif.
Nanosys has built early versions of nano-enabled solar cells, flexible
electronics, and nano chips for drug discovery research. Along the way, the
company has formed strategic relationships with industry giants such as
Intel, Dupont, In-Q-Tel, SAIC, Sharp, and Matsushita. The company hopes its
platform technology will find success in renewable energy, defense,
macroelectrics, healthcare and information technology. (COLL 121, Monday,
March 14, 8:30 a.m., Convention Center, Room 22, during the symposium
"Colloid and Surface Chemistry Award Symposium Honoring Paul Alivisatos.")
Tuesday, March 15
Bio-barcode may help diagnose Alzheimer's disease in living persons -
Alzheimer's is hard to diagnose in living persons and is only definitively
diagnosed upon autopsy. Now, in a preliminary study led by noted scientist
Chad Mirkin, researchers at Northwestern University have used a
"bio-barcode" assay to detect, in the spinal fluid of study participants, a
brain protein thought to be associated with Alzheimer's. The bio-barcode
assay fixes antibodies to magnetic particles and gold nanocrystals laced
with strands of DNA, referred to as bar code DNA. Somewhat like a consumer
bar code, these DNA barcodes are identified on a chip designed to sort and
measure their concentrations. The assay also holds promise for detecting
HIV, cancer and heart problems. It could be available to researchers within
a year or two, according to the researchers. (ANYL 331, Tuesday, March 15,
9:50 a.m., Convention Center, Room 29B, during the symposium, "ACS Nobel
Laureate Signature Award Symposium: Spectroscopy at the Nanoscale.")
Wednesday, March 16
Quantum dots make colorful labels - Researchers at the University of
California, Berkeley, and Quantum Dot Corporation in Hayward, Calif., have
created fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystal labels for cells and other
biological material. The researchers recently used light-scattering
techniques to probe the distance between two gold nanocrystals at the
single molecule level. These nanocrystals hold promise as flags of
biological reactions in living cells that can serve as probes far longer
than current dyes.(PHYS 241, Wednesday, March 16, 4:30 p.m., Convention
Center, Room 15A, during the symposium "Novel Directions in Photonics:
Nanophotonics and Biophotonics.")
Thursday, March 17
Building a greener nanotechnology - Researchers with the Oregon Nanoscience
and Microtechnologies Institute (ONAMI) contend that nanotechnology and
green chemistry are uniquely compatible. Nanoscience can enable the
discovery of greener products and processes. At the same time, the tools of
green chemistry can guide nano developments. A University of Oregon
chemist, who last year received a patent for a greener method of
synthesizing gold nanoparticles, explores this synergy. (I&EC 182,
Thursday, March 17, 8:30 a.m., Hyatt Regency, Del Mar A, during the
symposium "Nanotechnology and the Environment.")
IEC 116 Naming nanotechnology: Creating a dictionary for the nanoscale
Vicki L. Colvin, Department of Chemistry, Rice University, MS 60, PO Box
1892, Houston, TX 77251, colvin at rice.edu <mailto:colvin at rice.edu>
The importance of terminology and nomenclature to chemistry generally ca
nnot be overstated. Systems of nomenclature and accurate terminology
improve communication, enhance the utility of the scientific literature,
and define how we teach subjects to students. The need for terminology in
nanotechnology is growing substantially and this talk will address the
ongoing efforts in this area. Both at the national and international level
early approaches to this large problem will be highlighted. Additionally,
this venue will permit ample audience input and commentary on the various
emerging strategies for nomenclature systems for nanomaterials.
COLL 121 Nanotechnology and business
Larry Bock, Nanosys Inc, 2625 Hanover St., Palo Alto, CA 94303, Fax: 858
759 8299, LBock at nanosysinc.com <mailto:LBock at nanosysinc.com>, Phone:
I will give a non technical, business overview of how Nanosys is attempting
to build a leading pure play nanotechnology venture. My presentation will
describe how we are building an important platform technology focused on
high performance, fully integrated, inorganic semiconductor nanostructures,
how we are applying this platform technology in multiple muti-billion
dollar industries from renewable energy to defense to macroelectroics
(flexible electronics) to healthcare to information technology. I will also
describe, how we capitalized the company in under three years with over
$75M in equity and non equity capital and formed strategic relationships
with such companies as Intel, Dupont, In-Q-Tel, SAIC and Matsushita.
PHYS 241 New Nanocrystal assemblies for photonic structures
A. Paul Alivisatos, Department of Chemistry, University of California,
Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Materials Sciences
Division, D-43A Hildebrand Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-1460, Fax:
510-642-6911, alivis at uclink4.berkeley.edu
<mailto:alivis at uclink4.berkeley.edu>, Phone: 510-643-7371
This talk will focus on two recent projects relating to applications of
nanocrystals in photonics. The first project concerns the use of discrete
groups of nanocrystals as novel biological labels. For example, colloidal
quantum dot emission can be altered by the placement nearby of Au
nanocrystals. Similarly, the distance between two Au nanocrystals can be
probed at the single molecule level by light scattering. The second area of
interest is in the creation of specific patterns of nanocrystals on
lithographically patterned surfaces by capillary force assembly.
ANYL 331 Biobarcode assay: PCR-like sensitivity for proteins, nucleic
acids, and small molecules
Chad Mirkin, Chemistry Dept, Northwestern University, 2145 Sheridan Road,
Evanston, IL 60208, Fax: 847-467-5123, Phone: 847-467-7302
An ultrasensitive method for detecting protein analytes has been developed.
The system relies on magnetic microparticle probes with antibodies that
specifically bind a target of interest [prostate specific antigen (PSA) in
this case] and nanoparticle probes that are encoded with DNA that is unique
to the protein target of interest and antibodies that can sandwich the
target captured by the microparticle probes. Magnetic separation of the
complexed probes and target followed by dehybridization of the
oligonucleotides on the nanoparticle probe surface allows one to determine
the presence of the target protein by identifying the oligonucleotide
sequence released from the nanoparticle probe. Because the nanoparticle
probe carries with it a large number of oligonucleotides per protein
binding event, there is substantial amplification and one can detect
protein targets in the 500 zeptomolar to picomolar concentration range.
Comparable clinically accepted conventional assays for detecting the same
targets have sensitivity limits of ~ 3 pM, 6 orders of magnitude less
sensitive than what is observed with this method. The assay has been
developed for prostrate cancer, HIV, cardiac markers and Alzheimers
IEC 182 Environmentally-benign nanomanufacturing: Merging green chemistry
and nanoscience
James E. Hutchison, Department of Chemistry and Materials Science
Institute, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, hutch at uoregon.edu
<mailto:hutch at uoregon.edu>
Nanotechnology promises considerable benefit to society and the
environment. However, the products of nanotechnology and the manufacturing
processes used to produce these products may pose threats to human health,
the environment, worker safety, and security. The challenge will be to
develop nanotechnology to provide maximum benefit, while minimizing the
hazards. Green chemistry and engineering principles can be adopted to guide
the early stages of product and process development to meet this challenge.
Discoveries in nanoscience will provide new opportunities for the
development of sustainable technologies. In this presentation, I will
discuss how green chemistry and engineering principles can guide the
responsible development of nanotechnology and how nanoscience can enable
the discovery of greener products and processes. Examples of greener
materials, processes and applications of nanoscience will be presented,
with an emphasis on nanomanufacturing.
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