[Paleopsych] Live Howard Bloom events and video excerpts of Howard at WIE's Unbound

Stephen Lee unstasis at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 16:42:15 UTC 2005

Well things have been busy around here lately, so thought it would be
a good idea to give you all a bit of an update.

Howard is scheduled to have a quite packed week of interesting and
varied live events from May 7th to the 14th.  Look here for the latest


What is Enlightenment? Magazine has put together a 7 minute
promotional introduction of Howard's last talk of their Voices from
the Edge series ( http://www.wie.org/voices ) at a  link here:


The entirety of the talk and audio of other events Howard has had with
them is also available with membership to their site which has many
other cutting edge thinkers available as well in various multimedia

Thank you very much.

Stephen Lee
Howard Bloom's assistant
If Nothing Is
Then Nothing Was
But something is everwhere
Just because

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