[Paleopsych] nudity

Michael Christopher anonymous_animus at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 28 22:52:59 UTC 2005

Lorraine says:
>>Maybe I have missed something, but what about 
ART? Every Friday a model poses nude for four hours
for me Some of them are strong women insisting on  
certain conditions. An acquaintance draws her nudes
from Playboy.<<

--That's an example of how agreement upon a frame
influences perception of what's in it. The "artistic
nude" frame renders anything in it culturally
acceptable, even highbrow. The "porn" frame can put
the same content in a totally different light. The
same individual can have two sets of "eyes", depending
on the setting, other observers, and contextual cues.
Some artists enjoy playing with the boundary lines
between frames, turning porn into art and vice versa.
It seems difficult for most people to intentionally
shift their interpretation, and it's relatively easy
to convince them that something is art or trash, just
by surrounding the object with signs commonly
associated with one context or the other. Perception
is malleable, and most people aren't very comfortable
with ambiguity, preferring situations where they know
in advance which set of eyes to use.


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