[extropy-chat] Risks of Smart Drugs

Acy James Stapp astapp at fizzfactorgames.com
Tue Nov 25 21:21:48 UTC 2003

Vinpocetine is the only OTC nootropic that gives me any 
noticeable effect. Subjectively, it seems like the world goes
by just a tiny bit slower, and I feel a bit more on top of
things. Unfortunately I am unaware of any quick tests 
to determine the efficacy of nootropics. This effect 
seemed to fade over a couple of days though. Who knows 
whether I was adapting to the subjective effect (and still 
receiving an objective effect, if any) or whether I was 
adapting to the objective effect and it was losing it's 


-----Original Message-----
From: R.Coyote [mailto:etheric at comcast.net] 

I've also had noticeably positive effects from vinpocetine.

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