[extropy-chat] Transhumanism mentioned in "Skeptic" re: cryonics

Patrick Wilken Patrick.Wilken at Nat.Uni-Magdeburg.DE
Wed Dec 8 14:41:33 UTC 2004

On 8 Dec 2004, at 15:28, Joseph Bloch wrote:

> I disagree; the term "pseudo-science" is dismissive. It is used to 
> describe such things as UFOlogy, phrenology, and other areas of 
> dubious scientific merit. It is most certainly not the brush I'd want 
> to be painted with...

I think more correctly pseudo-science is used to define work that its 
proponents claim is scientific when its not. Since Extropians don't 
claim their belief structure is scientific this is simply false. 
Perhaps some Extropians have pseudo-scientific beliefs, that's another 

No one is claiming that there are scientific principles that show the 
inevitability of singularity etc are they? Marxism was a 
pseudo-scientific belief system that believed in the historical 
inevitability of the rise of socialism.

best, patrick

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