[extropy-chat] Re: John Wright Finds God

Dirk Bruere dirk at neopax.com
Fri Dec 10 01:33:28 UTC 2004

Mike Lorrey wrote:

>--- Dirk Bruere <dirk at neopax.com> wrote:
>>Again, you seem to be lacking a great deal of theological knowledge.
>>Just to give one example, is Jesus still Jesus if his name was really
>>Yashua? And can we call upon Jesus even if we do not know his name
>>(any of them) at all? Can we call upon him even if we do not know he 
>>existed/exists? In fact, *what* is Jesus?
>Jesus is a domain name. The real trick is finding out his/her/its IP
>address... ;)
>The IP of the true server of the Jesus domain could very easily be
>serving other domain names, for different websites, each with their own
>content and structure. They might be the same site, but presenting
>different structure and language based on the web browser and
>language/culture of the browsing individual.
>Penetrating this graphical interface, and getting to the command
>prompt, not to mention root level access, is the same quest as Neo
>seeking to find out what is the Matrix.
That's not really the answer to the question.
It refers to the statement 'I am the Way' - not *a* Way.
If we accept Xian theology then JC is the name given to the link between 
man and god. There's only one link, but there are any number of methods 
to access it. Accessing it does not mean having to know the detailed 
history of JC as any kind of historical person. One only has to know 
that it exists and be willing to use it.

It comes down to this: What is the absolute minimum one has to 
know/believe in order to be an Xian?
Clearly the name is irrelevent (since we don't actually use his likely 
historical name).
A full bio is also not required, since we don't have one.


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