[extropy-chat] Re: Damien grants psi evidence

Dirk Bruere dirk at neopax.com
Sat Dec 18 15:04:06 UTC 2004

Rik van Riel wrote:

>On Sat, 18 Dec 2004, Dirk Bruere wrote:
>>I believe that psi is not a 'force' but a quantum statistical distortion
>>effect amplified to macro level.
>A small liberty of movement to go "sideways" in time, to
>choose which direction to take reality in ?
>Kind of like MWI, but with only one world, just (and let
>me choose a really bad analogy here) with one or more of
>the collapsed quantum string dimensions being time-like
>instead of space like.
>I have absolutely no idea if things could be like this,
>but why bother philosophising about things we know ? ;)n
Well, I recently posted in this thread my theory of what happens and how 
to duplicate it experimentally in an interferometer (without people 
being involved).


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