Follow the money was RE: [extropy-chat] Copycat Copycat

Jeff Davis jrd1415 at
Sat Dec 25 06:23:18 UTC 2004

--- spike <spike66 at> wrote:

> Keep in mind that when people do things like this,
> the money isn't actually *destroyed* but rather it
> merely changes hands.  In this case, that
> transaction is one I would welcome.

An exceedingly excellent point, one which deserves
repeated attention.  Whenever you hear that the govt.
spends X millions or billions, it is obvious who pays
(the pay-up-or-go-to-jail taxpayer), but WHO GETS THE
LOOT, 'cause what really motivates the transaction is
the thievin' weasels on the receiving end.  But you're
not supposed to notice that, or if you do, you're
supposed to hope for some crumbs to trickle down your

Whoops!  Sorry.  Never mind.  Grrrr.

Time to go shopping,...and forget.

Best, Jeff Davis

   "It is as morally bad not to care whether 
     a thing is true or not, so long as it 
      makes you feel good, as it is not to 
       care how you got your money as long 
        as you have got it."
                  -Edmund Way Teale, 
                    "Circle of the Seasons"

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